
Getting started with Masonite and Pipenv

Since I like to keep my system Pythons as clean as possible, this is the “low tech” workaround for creating a Masonite project that uses pipenv…

  1. Create a new directory in which the project should live
  2. Enter the project directory, and run pipenv --python #.# where “#.#” is desired Python version
    • This lets pipenv create the virtualenv
  3. Get a shell with the new directory’s venv activated: pipenv shell
  4. Install the Masonite CLI: pipenv install masonite-cli
  5. Now, delete the project directory
  6. Then, create the new project with craft: craft new [project_name]; be sure project_name matches whatever the new directory was called that you were working with in previous steps
  7. Enter the directory, and create a lock file: pipenv lock
  8. Install the masonite dependencies with craft (will use pipenv): craft install
  9. And…you’re off!

Adding Authentication

  1. Ensure database is setup; otherwise you can’t save users
  2. Scaffold the authentication system: craft auth
  3. Create a new secret key and add to .env: craft key -s
  4. Run db migrations to create the users table: craft migrate
  5. You should now be able to run the dev server and register a test user

Misc Helpful Tidbits

  • craft list will display a list of all available commands